Notary Public
We are a Notary Public based in Central London and I provide a wide range of Notary Public services to both private and corporate clients, authenticating documents to be used in foreign jurisdictions.
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We also speaiclise in Notarisation of documents in foreign languages. See the page on foreign languages for more information. For authentication of company documents, UK diplomas and decree absolute (divorce papers), it is not necessary to make an appointment and attend my office. This can be done online. Please contact us for more details.

Legalisation and Apostille
A notarised document may often need to be further authenticated by having the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office confirm the validity of the Notary's signature and seal. The requirement for this will depend on the foreign country involved.
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Identification requirements for Notarisation
Following the implementation of the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, Notaries are now obliged to keep evidence on their files of the identity and the address of all their clients before they undertake any work.
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International Adoption
Foreign adoption in England is governed by the Adoption Act 1977. There are also international conventions, such as Hague Convention, dealing with these matters. A notary can be involved in the foreign adoption process by offering notary services
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